The first meal choice you make in the morning is either you saying YES or NO to stepping on that roller coaster for the day. What roller coaster? You know… the BLOOD SUGAR rollercoaster, scarier than any Six Flags Batman Contraption (can you tell I don’t go on roller coasters?) Let’s chat, and I’ll explain why I’m so in love with savory breakfasts.
Here’s what’s REALLY going on. When you slurp down a sugar-laden smoothie, add sugar to your coffee/tea, and pack in the syrupy pancakes… your blood sugar just SPIKED way high first thing. So there’s only one place to go when you’re up too high, am I right? WAY DOWN LOW… enter the CRASH.
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That crash you feel even before you get to lunch when you perhaps get a headache, get really sleepy, get hangry, bite someone’s face off because they looked at you weird during that meeting… whatever the case – you are not a happy camper. So you either reach for a snack (usually more sugar like a granola bar or something) just to make it alive to lunch. That’s what’s happening on the outside… as a real quick snapshot of what’s happening on the inside… your body is SOUNDING THE ALARMS. Your body’s job is to keep you alive, remember “homeostasis”? Yeah, that. Well, when you crash, get shaky, super tired, and all you can think about is food and getting in more sugar… your body is freaking out and looking to MAKE MORE SUGAR (glucose), so you don’t get any worse. But, we just reviewed you are probably reaching for that granola bar with 20g of sugar in it to help… so we have your external and internal self GETTING MORE SUGAR after that’s what JUST caused the problem in the first place, all in an attempt to get you back to a baseline blood-sugar level. Yet, instead what happens, is now you’re spiking again. And so the rollercoaster continues, up and down, up and down.
The ideal state is to be more even-keeled and not have such huge spikes, by not hopping on the roller coaster to begin with. That one breakfast decision impacts all of this. That’s why I say, “Start Savory”. Get plenty of PROTEIN, FAT, and LOW CARBS in – sound familiar? Sounds like lunch a bit, right?! Well, it basically is, so when in doubt, what you eat for lunch just might be a great new breakfast option for you like chicken over salad for example.
The first thing people do after hearing all of this is say, “wow, I had no idea… okay great… but WHAT DO I EAT?” I’m here for you! The last thing we want is a boring boiled egg breakfast every day, am I right? That’s fine in a pinch and all, but what else is there? PLENTY. Don’t put yourself in this box of boring-ness because we’re all so used to something else for breakfast. Sugary or high-carb cereals, sweetened oatmeals, etc… BYE.
I’m sharing my 3 favorite savory breakfasts to inspire you to try this!
Does this mean you can’t ever eat something sweet for breakfast?! Of course not, I love enjoying it once in a while and usually on a weekend when I can use that additional energy for good like running errands, exercising, or just generally jumping off the walls in my own home haha.. and I keep it to low-fructose fruits like coconut, kiwis, avocados, berries with nut butters (see my Perfect Paleo Pancakes with NO Syrup Hack) or in the summer, when I want something cool… I’ll grab a chia pudding which you can add your own protein powders too! Miss porridge? Try this one. So many options out there to try! I like to keep my ratio of savory to sweet breakfast at 6:1 usually. So maybe just my Sunday is the treat and it’s even better that way, when I can HANDLE it. Start with weekdays and see how you feel and what you crave on the weekends. You’ll find after a while, you don’t want the sweet in the AM anymore. Miss smoothies? Nix the sugary fruit and use frozen cauliflower and a handful of berries with nut butters instead if you tolerate smoothies well. My friend, Beth has a killer Guide to Smarter Smoothies.
Let me know how you like this by commenting below! I would love to hear all about it.
Hope you enjoy!
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I just tried your recipe for the savoury waffles and I’m wondering if I did anything wrong, because my waffle (I made one) wasn’t crispy at all, just soft everywhere. Is this because I have a waffle iron that is heart-shaped (so the waffles are much flatter) instead of the squared Belgian waffle irons? (which apparently make higher waffles)Or does it mean I needed to “scorch” my waffle (cook it longer and at high temp)? I cooked mine at 4 (on a scale up to 6) for about 2-3 minutes.I definitely want to make this again, just need some pointers on how to make my waffles crispy! 🙂 And since I don’t have experience with waffles, anything will help! Thank you! 😊💖
Hi Lys! It could be the waffle maker, maybe also a little more oil which could make it crispier and play with the heat settings.
Will you restock the Mindful Meals hard copy option?
For the winter version coming up! yes!
In your recipes, you refer to scoops of collagen protein powder. What is a scoop? A tablespoon?
Whatever the serving size is of your collagen powder is fine, as it’s usually optional.