Weeknight Bone Broth Ramen

This ramen is not only easy to put together, but also fast to get on the table and highly nutritious.

"I seriously love ramen and bone broth! Thank you for giving me an idea with this recipe you shared. I’ll definitely try this with Au Bon Broth later." LEI

– bone broth – coconut aminos – ume plum vinegar – ginger juice – shirataki or kelp noodles – soft boiled egg


– spinach or other greens – portabello mushroom – scallion stem – sea salt to taste – toppings: nori strips or flakes, sesame seeds, gomasio


Add a fresh pastured egg covered with water in a small pot and bring to a boil. As soon as it’s boiling, turn off the heat on the stove and cover.


Set your timer for 4 minutes and as soon as it goes off, uncover and slowly dump the hot water in the sink and replace with very cold water running in the pot for a minute or so.


Add previously cooked/stored bone broth (or mix water with bone broth protein powder) in a small pot on the stove over medium.


Add: sliced portabello mushroom, coconut aminos, plum vinegar, ginger and sea salt and mix with a wooden spoon. Let simmer.


Lastly, add fresh spinach in to wilt and cover on very low heat. Rinse shirataki noodles in fresh room temperature water.


Add them to your serving bowl and pour the broth over top. Using kitchen shears, cut up green and white pieces of green onion over top. Peel your egg, slice in half and top.


Add any toppings you like as listed above and more sea salt to taste. Serve immediately and enjoy hot!


Get the full recipe here!

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