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Ava Fertility

Increase your chances of pregnancy. Ava Fertility is the first and only FDA-cleared fertility tracking bracelet.

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How Ava Fertility works

Ava Fertility typically identifies 5 out of the 6 most fertile days per cycle. It's easy.

Wear Ava to bed

Wear Ava to bed

Overnight, the Ava sensor bracelet collects continuous data while you sleep.

Wake up and sync

Wake up and sync

In the morning, sync your bracelet to the app to instantly see your results.

See your most fertile days

See your most fertile days

Ava Fertility pinpoints your five best days to try for a baby as they're taking place.

See more of your fertile window

Ava Fertility detects more fertile days than LH tests, which only predict one or two. It works more precisely than a period-tracker app or fitness wearable, which can only estimate your fertile window. And it delivers results in real time, unlike the retrospective temperature method.

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Avoid fuss and mess

Avoid fuss and mess

With Ava Fertility, there’s no need to wake up early to take your temperature or remember to pee on a stick. Just wear the bracelet at night and sync with the app in the morning to see your fertility status in real time.

Follow your cycle phases and keep tabs on your health

Ava Fertility tracks physiological signals that act as markers for your fluctuating hormone levels. This allows it to detect—not simply predict—which phase of the menstrual cycle you’re in.

In addition to fertility tracking, Ava Fertility displays health parameters like temperature, sleep, physiological stress, and resting pulse rate—letting you know when you’re in the best place to make a baby.

Put your fertility data at your fingertips

Put your fertility data at your fingertips

Ava Fertility's Cycle Report provides an overview of your cycle length, luteal- and follicular-phase length, ovulation, and menstrual flow for the last 12 recorded cycles. Download it directly from the app for yourself or for discussion with your healthcare provider.

Track your pregnancy

When you get pregnant, continue using Ava Fertility to follow your progress with graphs, trend analysis, and week-by-week content for the whole nine months.

50,000 pregnancies and counting

Hear from from some of the thousands of women who have achieved their pregnancy goals with Ava.

Success stories

Is Ava Fertility right for me?

To use Ava Fertility you must:

  • Want to conceive
  • Have a cycle length within the range of 24 to 35 days
  • Not have an implanted electronic device (e.g. a pacemaker)
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Ava Bracelet

Get your Ava Bracelet today

Take charge of your cycle. Ava's clinically tested products can help you conceive faster.